We've been on the road, as it were, for the last month, taking in our final stops before coming home. Today we are in Edinburgh. Tonight we'll be in London. Monday we'll be in Minnesota.
Our first leg brought us through cities in formerly East Germany. Berlin-->Wittenberg--> Jena-->Weimar-->Eisenach. Here we did our Lutheran pilgrimage in Wittenberg and Eisenach (home of the Wartburg Castle where Luther was hidden from danger and translated the Bible into German). We also saw friends from Colin's year in Scotland and enjoyed some good German food. Have you ever had grilled meatballs? The Thuringer Bratwurst are still my favorites.
Then it was onwards to Munich for a couple of days of seeing sites, visiting different breweries and trying to stay warm and dry. From Munich we took the Romantic Road through Fussen, the site of the ridiculous castles built by King Ludwig (one being the model for the Disney emblem). We drove along the shores of Lake Konstanz, which brings together Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Finally we arrived in Freiburg, where I lived and studied for two months in Seminary.
From Freiburg we stayed two weeks in Taize, an ecumenical monastery near Lyon, France. One week we spent as regular pilgrims, working for a few hours, praying 3 times per day, eating communally and outside and having bible introductions and small groups. Our second week was spent in silence, which was quite delightful. That might require its own post.
From the silence of Taize we came to the city of love: Paris! With so much to do and so little time, we decided to take it easy and just enjoy the days. The first night we made our way down to the Seine to watch the sunset with about 1,000 other Parisians. The next day we took an easy morning, taking time to enjoy our croissants and coffee before we went to le Arch d'Triomphe, down the Champs Elysees, through the Louvre and then took a nap in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. We packed a picnic and headed out to Montmartre and the steps of the Sacre Coeur Cathedral to watch the sun go down on Paris.
The next day we were up and at 'em from 5am to catch the metro, then a bus, then a plane then another bus to Edinburgh, where we've been enjoying some of Colin's old haunts. We've taken quick tours of the city, seeing the places with the best coffee (The Elephant House, where JK Rowling wrote the first couple of Harry Potter books); Arthur's Seat and the Castle, different chippies (for fish and chips) and his favorite and most missed food: the bacon buddy. We also toured about the highlands and coastal areas.
Tonight London and Monday we go home. We're ready for it!